So is it mere coincidence that my first blog post falls on April fool’s day? Yes it is.
It’s the 1st day of the 2nd quarter of 2011, and I finally did what I should have done six years ago: I started writing a blog. And even though right now I’m a little uncertain about the way this blog will go; I’m confident in the fact that when we’re all settled in, it will be a very exciting read, and you will love to come around again and again till you are best friends for life (with my blog, and with me; if you do not mind).
Eight am tomorrow, the Nigerian 2011 general elections will kick-off amidst a lot of uncertainties, but in all, one thing is certain- it isn’t the usual ball game. Youth participation and technology has collided on this one, and it’s my guess that it will be harder for a camel to go through the proverbial needle’s eye than for any politician/political party to rig this election. But knowing the election antecedents, my guess could very well turn out wrong.
I am glad though, at the level of youth participation; It is encouraging. We have now chosen not to continue to stand by and watch (sidon look) but to actually be a part of a transformation, a part of the process. Enough is enough, the future is in our hands. Its time to make a change, and right now, it begins with us.
Nigeria is a great country with great people; it would be such a shame for her not to achieve her potential. We have got what it takes, we will make it work! Yes we will!!